Industry Classification Systems

Industry classification systems available for crosswalks

The table below shows the industry classification system for which you can currently purchase linking tables on our website. Detailed manuals are available free of charge for selected classifications.

Classification Manual Correspondence Tables
Australian Taxation Office Business Industry Codes (ATO BIC) - Australia Correspondence Tables
Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) Correspondence Tables
Austrian Statistical Classification of Economic Activities - Systematik der Wirtschaftstätigkeiten (ÖNACE), Austria Correspondence Tables
Barbados Standard Industrial Classification (BARSIC) Correspondence Tables
Better Business Bureau Categories (BBB) Correspondence Tables
Botswana International Standard Industrial Classification (BISIC) Correspondence Tables
CDP’s Activity Classification System (CDP-ACS) Correspondence Tables
Chinese Industrial Classification For National Economic Activities (CSIC) Correspondence Tables
Clasificación Nacional de Actividades Económicas (ClaNAE), Argentina Correspondence Tables
Clasificación de actividades económicas de Bolivia (CAEB), Boliva Correspondence Tables
Clasificatorul Activităţilor din Economia Moldovei (CAEM) - Classification of Economic Activities of Moldova (CEAM), Moldova Correspondence Tables
Classification Of Activities - Klasifikacija Djelatnosti (KD) Correspondence Tables
Classification des Activités Économiques de l'Angola, CAE, Angola Correspondence Tables
Classification of Activities of Bosnia and Herzegovina Correspondence Tables
Classification of Economic Aactivities (CZ-NACE), Czech Republic Correspondence Tables
Classification of Economic Activities (EVRK), Lithuania Correspondence Tables
Classification of Economic Activity, Armenia Correspondence Tables
Classification of Types of Economic Activity (KVED), Ukraine Correspondence Tables
Classificazione Delle Attività Aconomiche Ateco, Italy Correspondence Tables
Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas (CNAE), Brazil Correspondence Tables
Danish Industrial Classifications - Dansk Branchekode, Denmark Correspondence Tables
Economic Activity Classification (NACE-BEL), Belgium Correspondence Tables
Ekonomik Faaliyet Sınıflamasının (Economic Activity Classification), Turkey Correspondence Tables
Ethiopian Standard Industrial Classification (ESCI), Ethiopia Correspondence Tables
French Classification Of Activities - Nomenclature d'activités française (NAF), France Correspondence Tables
General Classification of Economic Activities (NOGA), Switzerland Correspondence Tables
German Classification of Economic Activities (WZ) - Die Klassifikation der Wirtschaftszweige Correspondence Tables
Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) Read Manual Correspondence Tables
Google My Business Categories Correspondence Tables
Hang Seng Industry Classification System (HSICS) Correspondence Tables
Harmonized System (Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System) Correspondence Tables
Hong Kong Standard Industrial Classification (HSIC), Hong Kong Correspondence Tables
Indian National Industrial Classification (NIC) Correspondence Tables
Indonesia Standard Industrial Classification (Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia), KBLI, Indonesia Correspondence Tables
Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) Read Manual Correspondence Tables
International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) Correspondence Tables
Japan Standard Industrial Classification (JSIC), Japan Correspondence Tables
La Nomenclature Algérienne des Activités, NAA, Algeria Correspondence Tables
LinkedIn Industry Codes Correspondence Tables
Merchant Category Code (MCC) Read Manual Correspondence Tables
Morningstar Global Equity Classification Structure Read Manual Correspondence Tables
National Classification of Activities (NKD), Macedonia Correspondence Tables
National Classification of Activities, Nacionalna Klasifikacija Djelatnosti (NKD), Croatia Correspondence Tables
National Classification of Economic Activities (NACE.BG), Bulgaria Correspondence Tables
National Classification of Economic Activities (Nomenklatura e Veprimtarive Ekonomike), NVE, Albania Correspondence Tables
National Classification of Economic Activities, Clasificarea Activitatilor din Economia Nationala (CAEN), Romania Correspondence Tables
National Classification of the Republic of Belarus “Types of Economic Activities” (OKED), Belarus Correspondence Tables
National Industrial Classification (all Ecomomic Activities), Bangladesh Correspondence Tables
New National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE), Spain Correspondence Tables
Nomenclador de Actividades Económicas (NAE), Cuba Correspondence Tables
Nomenclature d''activités (NACELUX), Luxembourg Correspondence Tables
Nomenclature d'activités et de produits - NAP - French Nomenclature of activities and products Correspondence Tables
Nomenclature d’Activités Tunisienne (NAT), Tunisia Correspondence Tables
Nomenclature d’activités (NACELUX), Luxembourg Correspondence Tables
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Correspondence Tables
Pakistan Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC) Correspondence Tables
Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC), Philippines Correspondence Tables
Polska Klasyfikacja Dzialalnosci (PKD), Poland Correspondence Tables
Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities (CAE), Portugal Correspondence Tables
Russell Global Sectors (RGS) Correspondence Tables
Russian Classification of Economic Activities (OKVED) Correspondence Tables
Singapore Standard Industrial Classification (SSIC) Correspondence Tables
Standaard Bedrijfsindeling (SBI), The Netherlands Correspondence Tables
Standard Classification of Activities (SKD), Slovenia Correspondence Tables
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), Norway Correspondence Tables
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), United States Read Manual Correspondence Tables
Standard Industrial Classification (TOL), Finland Correspondence Tables
Standard Industrial Classification Coding System, South Africa Correspondence Tables
Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Israel Correspondence Tables
Standard Industrial Classification of the ROC, Taiwan Correspondence Tables
Statistical Classification Of Economic Activities In The European Community (NACE) Correspondence Tables
Swedish Standard Industrial Classification (SNI) Correspondence Tables
The Azerbaijan Classification of Economic Activities (IFNT) Correspondence Tables
The Estonian Classification of Economic Activities (EMTAK), Estonia Correspondence Tables
The Fiji Standard Industrial Classification (FSIC) Correspondence Tables
The Hungarian Activity Classification (TEAOR), Hungary Correspondence Tables
The Jamaica Industrial Classification (JIC) Correspondence Tables
The Korean Standard Industrial Classification (KSIC) Correspondence Tables
The Moroccan Nomenclature of Activities (NMA), Morocco Correspondence Tables
The Papua New Guinea Standard Industrial Classification (PNGSIC) Correspondence Tables
The Thomson Reuters Business Classification / The Refinitiv® Business Classification (TRBC) Correspondence Tables
UK Standard Industrial Classification (UK SIC) Read Manual Correspondence Tables
Vietnam Standard Industrial Classification (VSIC) Correspondence Tables
Íslensk atvinnugreinaflokkun (ISAT), Iceland Correspondence Tables
Štatistická klasifikácia ekonomických činností (SK-NACE), Slovakia Correspondence Tables

If you would like to purchase a crosswalk table for a classification system not show in the table above, please contact us for more details.